martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

AD. VENTAS (tarde) writting & reading pratice

well, you have to read the following article, try to understand with out make too much traslations, and then tell me for you what is the main point of the article and what is your position about it?

Whaling, “be on favor or be against”

is the hunting of whales mainly for meat and oil. Its earliest forms date to at least 3,000 BC. Various coastal communities have long histories of sustenance whaling and harvesting beached whales. Industrial whaling emerged with organized fleets in the 17th century; competitive national whaling industries in the 18th and 19th centuries; and the introduction of factory ships along with the concept of whale harvesting in the first half of the 20th century.

As technology increased and demand for the seemingly vast resources remained high, catches far exceeded the sustainable limit for whale stocks. In the late 1930s more than 50,000 whales were killed annually and by the middle of the century whale stocks were not being replenished. In 1986 the International Whaling Commission (IWC) banned commercial whaling so that stocks might recover.

While the moratorium has been successful in averting the extinction of whale species due to overhunting, contemporary whaling is subject to intense debate. Pro-whaling countries wish to lift the ban on stocks that they believe have recovered sufficiently to sustain limited hunting. Anti-whaling countries and environmental groups contend that those stocks remain vulnerable and that whaling is immoral and should remain banned.

Put your opinion in the comments link

11 comentarios:

  1. It seems to me that the hunt for whales must be prohibited worldwide, since the spice is in extinction, so much the whales since demas animals must be protected.. They use The meat of the whales for human consumption and make it happen for another type of fish, this meat has high place contained of lodine that is very dangerous for the human beings.. Let's be aware and let's say not to the hunt for whales and demas animals.. Alvalessa Useche 7513

  2. I think that the hunted whale has its benefits for coastal communities because it can be a living to live as it can be a resource for living but also we should not kill these animals because they may become endangered..... Darwin coronel matri 7409

  3. My opinion is that I do not agree with whaling because they are very intelligent animals and have the right to life by what we have to look after both themselves and their environment so they do not become extinct in the future #7484

  4. my opinion I think, that the indiscriminate hunting of these species, from a few years will lead to complete extinction of these living beings, so I suggest you should expand more information about the great harm they are promoting these mammals, creating campaigns to reduce hunting of these living beings ...

    Rudy Arismendi
    Matricula: 6993

  5. I think whaling is something very human in that POSE otherwise make nesesarío resources to live and without endangering the species.
    # 7442 moncada said

  6. I disagree with hunting of these mammals because they are in danger of extinction people should be aware of what q is doing and fully prohibit hunting these mammals

    zambrano jose 7525
    sandoval yenny 7365

  7. It looks like to me an act of cruelty that they murder to these animals, which are not great in the world or which estan on the verge of becoming extinct, to extract these articles as the meat and oil can use other methods not managing to commit this cruelty...

    Ramirez lobo helmer andres # 7622 :)

  8. the house is very old whale has more than 3000 years have said that more than 50000 cacturado whales in the decade of 1930. the indiscriminate hunting of these species in the future will lead to the extinction of these species nelson zambrano matricula 6559

  9. I disagree with the house of whales as they are dying, people would been hunting for meat and oil also are dying from global warming. Hunting is prohivida yourselves people still do not stop caring...jesus guerrero -7229
