martes, 31 de mayo de 2011
adv II tarde. participial adjectives exercises
and give me your feedback
copy and paste the answers
AD VENTAS (tarde) traducción técnicas y consejos
Omisiones e inserciones
Dada la debilidad relativa de las preposiciones en castellano, existen casos en los que se deben efectuar inserciones en las traducciones del inglés al español:
A ticket to London. Un boleto con destino a Londres.
Esta técnica se emplea debido a que las estructuras gramáticales del inglés y el español no siempre coinciden el el uso o en la frecuencia, como es el caso de la voz pasiva.
He was admitted to the training course. Lo aceptaron al curso de entrenamiento.
En ocasiones, se requiere un cambio de metáfora o imagen a fin de expresar la misma idea.
The meeting was cancelled at the eleventh hour. Se canceló la reunión a última hora.
1. Dennis and Flora Milner, aged 83 and 81, were found dead in their home in Newbury on Sunday, police confirmed. A letter and statement saying they had "chosen to peacefully end our lives" was delivered to BBC South on Tuesday.
2. They said they wanted to highlight the "serious human dilemma" which prevents people from legally ending their own lives with loved ones around them. Mr and Mrs Milner's daughter Chrissy said her parents had been in good health but did not want to get to a stage were they would be too ill to care for themselves.
3. She said they had told her: "We won't be here for Christmas." Their statement, sent to the BBC and headlined "a personal critical self assessment", appeared to be signed by both husband and wife.

Good luck!!!!
martes, 17 de mayo de 2011
ADV2 tarde -practice about giving point of view
I`ll give you a topic and you must have to write some opinions about it, try to make a short answer, less than 150 characters!

are you against or pro to this medical treatement?
martes, 10 de mayo de 2011
Infinitives & gerunds ADV-II (tarde)
1. She quit (complain) about (be) unemployed and decided (create) her own job.
2. Naomi's (lose) her passport prevented her from (cross) the border.
3. Do you remember (stand) at the top of the Eiffel Tower ( wacth) the sunset? That's a view I'll never forget!
4. Oh no! The movie is sold out! Do you want (wait) (see) if we can get tickets for the next showing at 8:30?
5. (go) (snowboard) next week isn't a good idea since you keep (have) problems with your knee. Already (have) injured your knee once this year should teach you that you need (be) more careful about (pust ) yourself to return to the slopes.
6. I would love to be lying on a beach in Tahiti right now basking in the sun. (sit) in this office all day and being ordered around by my boss is not an enjoyable way (spend) my time.
7. The police chief ordered his officers (keep) (look) for the escaped prisoner. Hopefully, ordering the officers (continue) (look) will result in the prisoner's being captured.
8. Rover, my dog, always tries (jump) over the fence, but he is too small to do it.
and as a final part: write at least 4 sentences using more of two verbs insede the same statement
e.g. I want to start playing soccer!
martes, 3 de mayo de 2011
practice about complementary verbs INF-GER adv2- tarde
first complete the following text:
yuri was in his first year at university, studying History. He was rather a lazy student, and he tended to avoid (work)______whenever he could. In the middle of the semester, his history professor gave out an assignment, due in two weeks. Yuri intended (do)_________the assignment, but he postponed (write)______it for a week. The following week, he forgot (do)_________it. The night before the assignment was due, he suddenly remembered it, and rushed to the library. He tried (read)_________ as much as possible on the topic, but there wasn't enough time. Yuri considered (ask)________for more time to do his paper, but the History professor was known to be very tough on students, so finally he decided (cheat) and copy his paper from somewhere else. He found an old article on the same topic, and quickly typed it out. The next day, he submitted the paper.
The following week, he was alarmed (see)______the professor approaching him, looking angry.
"Is this your own work, or did you copy it?" asked the professor. Yuri denied (copy) the paper.
"If you expect me (believe) that, you must be very stupid," said the professor. "Every word is taken from an article I wrote myself five years ago. Did you really think I would forget (write) it?"
second part:
write at least 10 new sentences where you use the infinitives and the gerunds as a second verb...posting inside the comments space