martes, 7 de junio de 2011

adv ventas II traduccion

well in this entry...I need that you search any text in the web in spanish and try to translate into english...please follow the steps that I gave you in last entry about traduction.... review and correct al mistakes in this entry I m not going to help by yourselves!!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Español:

    BlackBerry es una línea de teléfonos inteligentes (Smartphone) que integran el servicio de correo electrónico móvil. BlackBerry fue desarrollado por la compañía canadiense Research In Motion (RIM). Aunque incluye aplicaciones típicas Smartphone (libreta de direcciones, calendario, listas de tareas, etc., así como capacidades de teléfono en los modelos más nuevos), El BlackBerry es fundamentalmente conocido por su capacidad para enviar y recibir correo electrónico de Internet accediendo a las redes móviles de compañías de teléfono celular que brindan este servicio. Se hizo popular por poseerla algunos personajes como Obama y demás. Un 20,8% de los Smartphone vendidos en el mundo son BlackBerry, convirtiéndolos en los más populares después de la segunda plataforma de Nokia, Symbian OS; además son los Smartphone más populares entre los usuarios de negocio en EE.UU.. Las BlackBerries pueden acceder a Internet en Norteamérica y en la mayoría de los países europeos. En Latinoamérica los mayores compradores son México, Brasil, Colombia y Venezuela, este último el mayor comprador con el 70% de las compras en Latinoamérica con el 63% del total de teléfonos inteligentes que circulan en el país, es decir, entre 1 millón de aparatos.


    BlackBerry is a line of smart phones (Smartphone’s) that make up the mobile email service. BlackBerry was developed by Canadian company Research in Motion (RIM). Although it includes typical Smartphone applications (address book, calendar, task lists, etc. as well as telephone capabilities on newer models), the BlackBerry is primarily known for its ability to send and receive Internet e-mail access networks mobile cell phone companies that offer this service. She became popular to possess some characters like Obama and others. 20.8% of Smartphone’s sold worldwide are BlackBerry, making them the most popular after the second platform of Nokia, Symbian OS, and they're the most popular Smartphone among business users in the U.S... Blackberries can access the Internet in North America and most European countries. In Latin America's biggest buyers are Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, the latter being the largest buyer with 70% of purchases in Latin America with 63% of all smart phones in circulation in the country, is between 1 million devices.


    Iván Medina 7224
    Juan Labrador 7808
    Luis García 7652

  2. Page 366 of the New England Journal of Medicine last week has shaken the puritan U.S. social system. The reason: if it is convenient or not to use medical marijuana. The controversy is not new. It all started last month when it legalized cannabis use for "therapeutic use" in California, but the editorial in the respected medical journal in the world has added fuel to the fire. The fact is proven; smoking marijuana can alleviate symptoms in an astonishing way of many diseases such as cancer, AIDS and other devastating diseases. These benefits have been found in more than 75 studies published since 1975. However, the Clinton Administration has threatened doctors who dare to prescribe it to exclude the health system and even to persecute them for federal crime. On the other hand, Barry R. McCaffrey, director of the National Agency for Drug Control, keeps repeating that marijuana is a dangerous drug.

    Even doctors who believe that this herb has therapeutic benefits agree that there are still many questions to resolve on this issue. But so far it has been difficult to reach a conclusion because the issue of marijuana seemed taboo. A study commissioned by the federal government showed that an active ingredient of Cannabis was thought to be carcinogenic in laboratory animals harmless. However, the study was never published. And since then, the federal government has not allocated a single dollar to the National Institute on Drug Abuse to investigate this issue further.

    Ceballos Oswaldo
    Matricula: 7612
